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Geographic Information Science


Official Name of Program

Geographic Information Science

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

AS - Associate in Science



NYSED Program Code

36021 - GIS-AS

CIP Code


The Associate in Science (A.S.) degree in Geographic Information Science (GIS) program teaches students the theory and applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS is used to capture, manage, analyze, and display spatial information. For example, GIS is used to identify the direction and location for traveling, such as Google Maps, Google Earth and global positioning systems (GPS). The program, jointly offered by the Computer Information Systems and Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice departments, will prepare BMCC graduates to obtain entry-level positions in this field. Many businesses, local governments, and scientific organizations currently utilize GIS to enhance their productivity and increase their ability to compete in the marketplace. The curriculum also facilitates transfer to a senior college, such as Hunter College, with 60 credits towards the Bachelors of Arts (B.A.) degree in Geography with a concentration in GIS. The program offers internship opportunities in a variety of sectors utilizing GIS and prepares them for the careers.
