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Anyone who has a high school diploma, an accredited state high school equivalency diploma, or international secondary education credentials equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma is eligible to apply to Borough of Manhattan Community College.

To Apply

Fill out an online application only. There is a $65 non-refundable application fee for Freshman applications or $70 application fee for Transfer applications. Applications are available online at apply.html.

You may also visit our web site at

Note: You should apply as early as possible (Note: CUNY application priority dates; for Fall, February 1; and Spring, September 15). Check for updated application deadlines, however, your application will be considered whenever you apply. Freshman applications allow students to apply to six programs. Transfer applications allow students to apply to four programs.

There are five types of applications:

1. Undergraduate Freshman Application for Admission

At CUNY, a freshman is defined as an  applicant who has never attended a college, university, and/or proprietary school since graduating high school. This includes post- secondary institutions in any country, including those outside the United States.

This application is for students who are applying for regular City University programs, for students who wish to apply for the College Discovery Program, and for students who have been educated abroad. Please note the Freshman application deadline. Students should complete  a City University Undergraduate Freshman application online at Use this application if:

  • you are currently in high school;

  • you are a high school graduate and have never attended college;

  • you have a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and never attended college;

  • you are a permanent resident, an immigrant, or a refugee;

  • you have international secondary education credentials equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma;

  • you have a temporary visa for study in the United States; or you have applied for a temporary visa for stay in the United States.

2. Undergraduate Transfer Application for Admission

At CUNY, a transfer is defined as an applicant who has attended a college, university and/or proprietary school since graduating high school/secondary school. This applies to whether or not you are seeking transfer credit and/or program of study.

This application is for students who have previously attended college and have a 2.0 (“C”) or above cumulative grade-point average (GPA). Please note the Advanced Standing application deadline. Students should complete a CUNY Undergraduate Transfer Application for Admission online at Use this application if:

  • you have previously attended college and plan to pursue a degree;

  • you have international post-secondary educational credentials;

  • you are a permanent resident, an immigrant, or a refugee;

  • you have a temporary visa for study in the United States; or

  • you have applied for temporary visa for stay in the United States

3. Application for Non-Degree Status

This application is for students who will take college courses but do not wish to obtain a degree. Those interested in non-degree status should apply directly to the Admissions Office at

4. Second Degree Application

Students who have earned an associate degree at BMCC and who wish to apply for a second degree must submit a Second-Degree application to the Admissions Office at Effective, fall 2022, in order to receive the second associate degree from BMCC, students must complete a minimum of 15 credits at BMCC.

5. Readmission Application

Students whose attendance has been interrupted at BMCC and who have left the College in good academic standing may be readmitted by filing an online readmission application at A $20 non-refundable readmit fee will be included on your bill by the Bursar’s Office (Room S-330). Readmission is automatically granted to students in good academic standing.

Note: Readmission may be offered to students who are academically dismissed. Said students will be required to obtain an appeal form from the website at  Students so approved will be on Academic Notice-Appeal and subject to those rules. Regardless of how many semesters the student sat out, he/she must submit an application to the Committee on Academic Standing. For further explanation or clarification, students should see a counselor in the Counseling Center (Room S-343).

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

High School Seniors and Graduates with No Previous College Credits

February 1

September 15

Students with Previous College Credits

(Advanced Standing and Transfers)

February 1

September 15

Readmission Applications

Note: Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis once applications become complete. A completed application includes the application form and all supporting documentation. Applications received after the deadline will be based on space availability.

Transfer Credit Evaluation and Advanced Standing Policy

All transfer courses receive a “CR” grade. Transfer credits do not affect your cumulative average at BMCC.

Note: The Nursing Department’s grade point average calculations do not affect a student’s cumulative grade point average.

Effective fall 2022, BMCC accepts a maximum of forty-five (45) transfer credits to be applied towards degree completion.

  • If you have recently completed courses or have any outstanding transfer credits at another college, it is necessary for you to arrange to have the official transcript(s) forwarded to BMCC’s Admissions Office as soon as possible. All transcripts must be sent prior to registration. This also applies to students who are seeking to be readmitted to BMCC.

  • All technical courses need departmental approval.

  • Clinical nursing courses are not transferable.

  • BMCC strives to help all Veterans transition to BMCC. Veterans who are matriculating students may earn up to 18 credits in United States Armed Forces Institute courses, in which they have passed final exams, and for other military education and training. The decision regarding the granting of credit is at the discretion of individual academic departments.

Only college level courses, from an accredited college(s), are evaluated for transfer credits. Non-CUNY remedial, developmental, and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are not transferable. In addition, Freshman Studies and/or College Prep courses are not transferable.

Students transferring credits from City University of New York (CUNY) colleges can receive transfer credit for some “D” grades depending on their BMCC major. Students transferring credits from colleges outside of CUNY must have earned a grade of “C” or above in order for courses to be accepted. Students should not repeat transfer courses unless advised by an academic advisor.

Courses must be comparable in content to the BMCC curriculum. If the courses from your former college(s) are not a requirement for your major at BMCC, it may be accepted as an elective.

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Advanced Placement (AP) is a way of earning college credit by examination. BMCC does award credit for some subject examinations. Check with the Admissions Office for detailed information.

BMCC awards credit, waives prerequisites and allows advanced placement with departmental approval for life experience knowledge in limited academic areas. The following departments will grant credit for life experience knowledge (C-FLEK) for specific courses:

  • Accounting

  • Business Management

  • Modern Languages

  • Music and Art

  • Science

  • Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice

  • Speech, Communications and Theatre Arts

  • Teacher Education

Transfer credits will only be evaluated from accredited institutions* listed on the student’s admission application. The submission of documents in support of applications for admission such as transcripts, diplomas, test scores, references, or the applications themselves, that are forged, fraudulent, altered from the original, obtained under false pretenses, or otherwise deceptive (collectively referred to as fraudulent documents) is prohibited by The City University of New York and may be punishable by: a bar to applying for admission, suspension and expulsion. The term applications for admission include transfer applications.

*BMCC considers the transfer credits from institutions that are accredited by one of the following associations:

  • MS Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

  • NC North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

  • NE New England Association of Schools and Colleges

  • NW Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges

  • NY New York Association of the New York Board of Regents

  • SA Southern Association of College and Schools

  • WA Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Credits from schools for candidacy status are not considered.

Transfer credits will only be evaluated from institutions listed on the student’s admission application. Submission of false records or omission of previous college attendance may result in denial of admission. There will be no exception.


Students who do not wish to pursue a degree-granting program have non-degree status.

Students who wish to change from a non-degree to a matriculated status may do so in the Admissions Office at after at least one semester of college work has been completed. In addition, students must be in good academic standing. To become matriculated, students must submit a completed Advanced Standing Transfer application to the Admissions Office by the first day of classes for the semester that the students are changing their status from non- degree to matriculated.


To become matriculated, students must select a program and agree to take all courses required for the associate degree.

Note: Matriculated students cannot become non- degree students.

International Student Services

If you are an international student, the International Student Services Office (ISSO) will provide you with valuable information and assistance about immigration matters and F-1 (student) status. It also collects SEVIS (Student Exchange Visitor Information System) information as mandated by Department of Homeland Security. Students on the F-1 status are encouraged to attend the various workshops during the academic semester to become familiar with the federal regulations. Consequences for an F-1 student who fails to maintain legal status can be serious. The ISSO also offers information about health insurance and employment options for F-1 students. The ISSO staff will see students on a walk-in basis and by appointment.

All international BMCC students are urged to contact ISSO located in Room S-115N for assistance.

Ms. Lily Yi-Elkin is the Assistant Director of International and Transfer Services.

After You are Admitted

CUNY Proficiency Requirements

New students admitted to the University may be deemed college-ready based on Regents, SAT or ACT scores; CUNY’s proficiency index; a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited domestic institution; or:

  1. transfer of a 3-credit freshman composition course (or a higher-level English course for Freshman Composition is a prerequisite) from an accredited college with a grade of “C” or higher for Reading/Writing exemption;*

  2. transfer of a 3-credit college-level Math course from an accredited college with a passing grade for Math Exemption.*

Documentation for waivers must be submitted to the Admissions Office prior to registration.

At BMCC, all academic departments have designated minimum reading, writing, and/or mathematics levels necessary for enrollment in academic courses. These levels or prerequisites can be found on the BMCC Testing Office website: testing/cuny-assessment/. Students should consult the website or speak to an academic advisor in planning their academic schedules.

* for students transferring to BMCC on or after October 1, 2008.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Placement

English as a Second Language (ESL) students who do not meet CUNY’s English proficiency requirements based on Regents, SAT, or ACT scores; or through eligible college transfer credit will be evaluated for English proficiency using CUNY’s English proficiency index only if they have NY State Regents scores. Non-proficient ESL students will be required to take an assessment to determine English course placement. Further details about ESL placement can be found on the BMCC Testing website: The BMCC Testing Office will contact ESL students who are required to take the assessment.

Immunization Requirements

New York State Department of Health requires that all students must comply with specific immunization laws. Please read the following to select the criteria that you are mandated to comply with prior to registration. You are blocked from registration until these requirements are met.

For students born after 1956, both NYS  Health Law 2165 and 2167 must be met and completed prior to registration.

For students born before 1957, only NYS Health Law 2167 must be met and completed prior to registration.

NYS Health Law 2165, in effect since July 1989, requires that students born after 1956 submit to Health Services Room N-380 documented proof of measles, mumps, and rubella immunization or immunity. Please refer to the information you received in your admissions packet or visit for detailed options that will allow you to select which one completes your requirements.

Free MMR (combination measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines are offered by Health Services throughout the semester as well as during registration.

Medical or religious exceptions may apply with proper documentation. Pregnant women must select the blood titre option only.

NYS Health Law 2167, in effect since August 2003, requires that all students, those born after 1956 and those born prior to 1957, receive and read the information on Meningitis, specifically Meningococcal Disease. You must fill out and sign the response form by either selecting to waive your right to the Meningitis vaccine or taking the form to your doctor, receive the vaccine and sign. These response forms must be submitted to Health Services, Room N-380. Please refer to the information you received in your admissions packet or visit for details.

There are no exceptions with this law since waiving your rights to vaccine is an option.

No Meningitis vaccines are offered by the Health Services Office.

You are welcome to print the forms from the web site and are also welcome to fax your completed forms to Health Services at (212) 220-2367. If you choose to fax, please follow up with a phone call to ensure receipt and that all is complete. Our number is (212) 220-8255.

New Student Orientation

All new students are required to attend a special pre-registration orientation session. Orientation sessions are specifically designed to help students successfully adjust to college life and to utilize the various college resources.