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Student Affairs

Marva Craig, Vice President of Student Affairs, Room S-350

Pedro Perez, Director of College Discovery, Room S-335

Cecilia Scott-Croff, Executive Director of Early Childhood Center, Room N-375

Health Services, Room N-380

Student Activities, Room S-230

Women’s Resource Center, Room S-340

Robert B. Earl, Jr., Center for Career Development, Room S-342

Neda Hajizadeh, Director of Counseling Center, Room S-343

Office of Accessibility, Room N-360

Matthew Ruiz, Director of Athletics & Recreational Services, Room N-255

Ian Wentworth, Director of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, Room S-340

Joe Picataggio, Director of Communications, Room S-136

Wilfred Cotto, Manager of Veterans’ Resource Center, Room S-115M

Deborah Harte, Director of Advocacy and Resource Center, Room S-230

Shahreen Laskar, Director of New & First Year Student Programs, Room S-136

Denise Dellaporta, Student Life Specialist for Peer Mentoring, Room S-136

Jonathan Rosser, Student Relations Manager, Room S-350

Iris Wangpataravanich, Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs, Room S-350

Lisa O’Connor, Student Life Manager, Room S-136

Anthony Lothian, Business Manager, BMCC Association, Inc., Room S-230

Tiffany James, Director of Student Success Outreach and Programming, Room S-136

Student Support Services

Counseling Center

The staff of the Counseling Center will become an integral part of helping you achieve your personal, academic, and career goals. The Center is staffed by professional psychologists and social workers who work in strictest confidence to address academic and personal concerns, while the Center’s academic advisor monitors academic progress, and provides support. Counselors are available for individual and group sessions, both by appointment and on a walk-in basis.

The staff of the Counseling Center are integral members of each student’s “success team” and are committed to assisting each student achieve his or her personal, academic, and career goals.

Counselors are available for individual or group sessions, both by appointment  (212)  220-8140 or on a walk-in basis at Room S-343. Visit our website at for updated notices and events.

Neda Hajizadeh, Director, (212) 220-8140, Room S-343

Center for Career Development

The Center for Career Development provides comprehensive career planning and employment counseling services that motivate students to develop a career plan and prepare for their timely graduation.

Students learn how to select an academic major and develop a career plan that matches their personal interests, abilities, and occupational goals. In addition, students are taught job interviewing, how to develop and write an effective resume, and job search skills essential to seeking meaningful experiential and employment opportunities. Students establish relationships with employers through on-campus networking events. Networking opportunities include on-campus interviews and Career Fairs.

Robert B. Earl, Jr, Director, (212) 220-8170, Room S-342

College Discovery Program

The College Discovery Program is a developmental program, which provides support services such as counseling, academic and career advisement, tutorial services and financial assistance to students who are admitted into the program. Students are identified for acceptance into the program, on the basis of their high school average and family/household income. The support services include a variety of outreach and enrichment activities provided on an individual and group basis to enhance the students’ growth and development, both academically and personally. The College Discovery staff consists of professionally trained counselors, tutorial support, and administrative personnel who are dedicated and committed to assisting the students in their pursuit of a college education and a fulfilling career.

Pedro Perez, Director, (212) 220-8152, Room S-335

Office of Accessibility

Any BMCC student with a documented disability is encouraged to meet with the staff in the Office of Accessibility (OA) to discuss potential reasonable accommodations and academic adjustments. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis according to documented need and must follow “CUNY Documentation Guidelines” endorsed by COSDI (Council on Students Disability Issues). Students are required to submit disability documentation and complete an Application for Accommodations to the OA. Examples of the more typical accommodations granted include: extended time testing, readers, sign-language interpreters, note-taking services, and textbooks on tape. In addition, a state-of-the-art Assistive Technology (AT) computer lab is available for student use. This lab is equipped with AT solutions for students who are blind or low-vision, students with learning disabilities, and students with physical disabilities. The office also offers assistance with registration and serves as a liaison to academic departments, administrative offices, and various community resources. The Office of Accessibility fosters independence and self-advocacy.

Office of Accessibility, (212) 220-8152, Room N-360

Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities provides consultation and administrative support to student government, student organizations and student media groups. We also conduct an annual weekend student leadership retreat; trips to Broadway plays and sporting events; and workshops on dining etiquette, networking, and customer service, etc.

Student Activities (212) 220-8160, Room S-230

Student Clubs and Organizations

Students with similar interests may join or start a student club. All clubs require four executive officers, fifteen members, a club advisor and a constitution. There are more than fifty clubs on campus in the following areas: academic, cultural, media, professional, religious, social, social service and special interests. Students who participate in club activities develop skills in budget management, event planning, leadership, networking, organizing, responsibility, service and team work. Clubs meet during club hours on Wednesdays 2:00pm–4:00pm.

Student Government Association (SGA) Members of the SGA are the elected representatives of the BMCC student body. The SGA seeks to secure meaningful participation in the decision-making organs of the College. Registered student clubs and organizations are chartered and funded by the SGA. Members of the SGA serve on the BMCC Association, the BMCC Auxiliary Enterprise Corporation, the BMCC Media Board, and committees of the Academic Senate and College Council.

(212) 220-8208, Room S-242

Health Services Office

The Health Services Office provides  first aid, assessment or treatment of medical emergencies, counseling and information on health-related issues. We offer free measles, mumps and rubella vaccines throughout the year as well as during registration to ensure meeting the requirements set forth by NYS Public Health Law 2165. Throughout the academic year look for workshops covering different health issues as well as our yearly Health Fair held in May. We also provide workshops for those classes or clubs that wish to address specific health issues.

Health Services Office, (212) 220-8255, Room N-380

BMCC Early Childhood Center and Family Child Care Network

BMCC offers two quality childcare programs, the BMCC Early Childhood Center and Family Child Care Network. Each program provides quality day care and early childhood education for the children of BMCC students. The Early Childhood Center offers several service options for children between the ages of 2 and 6 during the day and evening, and on Saturdays and Sundays. The Center most recently embarked upon a new initiative and is now offering a weekend school age program. This  program operates between the hours of 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays for children ages 6 to 12. The Family Child Care Network, supervised by the BMCC Childhood Center, consists of a group   of licensed day care homes serving children between two months and 12 years of age.

In keeping with appropriate early childhood practice and the Center’s commitment to learning and safety, each child must be enrolled according to a planned schedule. Mindful of parent’s course schedules and other college activities, the Center’s staff works with parents to develop a schedule that closely meets the needs of both parent and child.

The Early Childhood Center is accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Education Programs and licensed by the New York City Department of Health. The NYC Department of Education has selected our center as a Universal Pre-kindergarten site. The Center’s teachers are certified by the New York State Department of Education. Providers in the Family Childcare Network are registered by the NYC Department of Health and have completed an extensive training course, and the Center’s staff visits their homes regularly.

Cecilia Scott-Croff, Executive Director, (212) 220-8250, Room N-375

The Women’s Resource Center

The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) provides support services for the growth and development of women students at BMCC as they pursue both their academic and their lifelong goals. The WRC sponsors activities designed to educate and provide information related to women, the family and community concerns. Special programs, seminars and workshops, as well as individualized sessions are designed to address such concerns as wellness, domestic violence, substance abuse, stress management, parenting, relationships, and academics. In addition, the WRC has weekly support groups facilitated by the WRC staff and a peer mentoring program. The WRC also provides referral services to external social service agencies and acts as a network for resources within the College.

Women's Resource Center, (212) 220-8165, Room S-340

Athletics, Recreation and Intramurals

Intercollegiate Athletics

BMCC’s intercollegiate athletic program consists of baseball, men and women’s basketball, men and women’s soccer, men and women’s swimming, and women’s volleyball. The College is a member of both Region XV of the National Junior College Athletic Association and The City University of New York Athletic Conference. Since 1998, BMCC has won the CUNY Athletic Conference Commissioner’s Cup for the outstanding intercollegiate athletic program among the community colleges nine of the last thirteen years.

Recreation and Intramurals

BMCC students, faculty, and staff may participate in intramural volleyball, soccer, cricket, table tennis, and badminton. Yoga and Zumba are offered as wellness activities.

A modern fitness center in  the  BMCC  gym has weight training equipment and aerobic machines. Students may also use the modern, Olympic-style swimming pool.

Matthew Ruiz, Director of Athletics & Recreational Services, (212) 220-8261, Room N-255

Advocacy and Resource Center

The Advocacy and Resource Center (ARC) offers free services to students to ensure that they have the support they need in order to focus on their studies and succeed in college. All of the services that are offered at the Center are FREE! These services include:

  • Food Assistance: Our Panther Pantry provides a three-day supply of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food for students facing a food emergency. We also help connect students with SNAP.

  • Emergency Grant/Loan Assistance: Students facing financial hardship can apply for emergency loans to assist with rent, utilities and textbook costs.

  • Health Insurance: We will advise and assist you in enrolling in a health insurance plan.

  • Legal Services: We partner with lawyers who can provide free advice on matters ranging from landlord/tenant problems to immigration issues.

  • Financial Counseling: Advice about budgeting, debt reduction and opening bank accounts

  • Tax Preparation: Assistance with tax preparation is available.

Deborah Harte, Director of Advocacy and Resource Center (212) 220-8195, Room S-230

Peer Mentoring Programs

The BMCC Inspires and Motivates People to Achieve in College Together (IMPACT) Peer Mentoring program is students helping students in a purposeful way. The IMPACT Peer Mentoring program provides support to help students make connections and feel empowered to chart their own course to success in college and beyond. The IMPACT Peer Mentoring Program helps new students adjust to the college environment, make connections on campus and feel empowered to chart their own course to success. The program matches successful continuing students with new students, connecting them as partners for a semester-long experience.

Denise DellaPorta, Student Life Specialist for Peer Mentoring (212) 776-6472, Room S-136

Student Affairs Success Programs

Student Success fosters the growth and development of continuing students at the College to prepare them for graduation, transfer and career success. To support these outcomes, Student Success offers co-curricular engagement opportunities and provides personal and academic support to probation students, high achieving students, DREAMers, financial literacy cohorts and more. By partnering with offices across the College, the Student Affairs Success Programs help students solve problems, celebrate successes and take ownership of their BMCC experience.

Tiffany James, Director of Student Success Outreach and Programming (212) 776-6316, Room S-136

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity focuses on creating and implementing an individual plan that focuses on modifying behavioral choices. As an institution of higher education it is BMCC’s responsibility to educate students, not just in the classroom setting, but outside as well. The Office’s philosophy is predicated on the idea that all people make mistakes, it is simply a matter of what is done after the mistake. This can be done using sanctions that promote environmental awareness and foster personal reflection that will spark personal and professional growth through self-education.

Ian Wentworth, Director of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (212) 220-8000 ext. 5298, Room S-340

Veterans Resource Center

The Veterans Resource Center serves the needs of prospective and enrolled service members, veterans, and dependents to receive education benefits under various Department of Veterans Affairs educational programs. The Center is proud to help U.S. veterans continue their education at BMCC, and are available to help them adjust to college and civilian life with services that include:

  • Assistance for student veterans, Reservist, National Guard and military-connected family members applying for VA/GI Bill® educational entitlements. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at;

  • Assistance with processing all VA enrollment certifications;

  • Peer-to-peer student veteran mentoring;

  • Connecting military-connected students to campus and community services (as necessary);

  • Graduate social work interns who can assist students with transition and readjustments challenges and provide support as needed.

Wilfred Cotto, Manager of Veterans’ Resource Center (212) 220-5363, Room S-115M