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Tuition and Fees

Tuition per semester



  1. Residents of New York City* who are

a. Matriculated Students

b. Non-matriculated Students





2.Non-Residents of New York City who are:

a. Residents of New York State with B-81 form on file**

b. Residents of New York State without B-81 form on file

c. Out-of-State Residents

d. International Students***

e. Non-Resident, Non-Matriculated Students












* To be eligible to pay New York City tuition rates, students must have completed one year of residency in New York State with six months in New York City prior to the first day of classes, and must be a U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, or in qualifying immigration status.

** B-81 Form: Any student who lives in New York State but does not live in New York City may be eligible to pay the same tuition as a New York City resident. To pay New York City tuition, you must submit a B-81 Form to the Bursar’s Office. A B-81 form can be obtained from the County Clerk’s office in the county in which you reside. Return the B-81 Form to the Bursar’s Office no later than two weeks prior to registration. Failure to do so will result in your being billed at the non-resident rate. You may be required to secure a new form each semester.

*** The college issues I-20 forms only to full-time matriculated foreign students who owe no money to the school.

Senior Citizens: New York City residents who are 60 years or older and audit courses are granted a tuition waiver but must pay a $65.00 administrative fee per semester. Senior citizens also pay the consolidated services fee and any penalty fee they incur; senior citizens do not pay Student Activities fees or application fees.

Note: All tuition and fees are subject to change without notice, regardless of the tuition and fees in effect at the time of application as mandated by the Board of Trustees, CUNY. All tuition must be paid at the time of registration.

Establish New York Residency Tuition Rate

To qualify for the New York City tuition rate, you must have completed one year of residency in New York City prior to the first day of classes. Please contact the Panther Station, Room S-225 for further information.

Student Activities Fees

  1. Full-time Students $44.45^

  2. Part-time Students $22.45^

^ Includes $1.45 University Senate fee

Change of Program Fee

When you wish to change your program, you are charged $18.00 for each Change of Program transaction processed, even if you are a financial aid recipient. For example, if you drop two courses and add a course at the same time, you pay $18.00, even though three transactions were made. However, if you decide at a later date to make additional program changes, you must pay an additional $18.00 fee. The following actions initiated by a student require a program change fee.

  1. Addition of a course or courses

  2. Changing from one course to another

  3. Changing from one section of a course to another section of the same course

  4. Dropping a course and adding another course

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees may be paid by cash, check, or money order. When you pay your tuition and fees by cash, please be sure that you receive a computerized receipt. It is your only proof that you have made payment.

Checks and money orders should be made payable to “BMCC”. Students whose checks are returned by their bank will be subject to a $20 reprocessing fee and will be required to make all subsequent payments by cash or certified check. Students settling a prior semester balance to obtain clearance for registration, transcripts or readmission must make payment via cash or certified check.

Online payments may be made with e-check. Credit cards are not accepted.

If you do not make full payment on your tuition and fees and other college bills and your account is sent to a collection agency, you will be responsible for all collection costs, including agency fees, attorney fees and court costs, in addition to whatever amounts you owe the College. In addition, non-payment or a default judgment against your account may be reported to a credit bureau and reflected in your credit report.

Tuition Pay Plan

The City University of New York makes college more affordable by allowing you to better manage your payments over time. The earlier you enroll, the lower your monthly payments. The total amount financed will be divided over more scheduled payments. Establish your payment plan based upon your anticipated tuition and fee costs and your anticipated financial aid. Note that any change in your obligation due to CUNY will change the total payment plan balance and remaining monthly installments. The payment plan vendor accepts credit card payments. An enrollment fee is charged by the vendor. To enroll, log into CUNYfirst Self-Service and go to your Student Center. Go to Finances and select Enroll/Manage Payment Plan.

Non-Instructional Fees (Non-Refundable)

  1. Consolidated Services Fee (all students per semester): $15.00

  2. Application for Admission

    New Students: $65.00

    Transfer Students: $70.00

    Non-degree Students: $65.00

  3. Application for Readmission: $20.00

  4. Late Registration fee: $25.00

  5. Change of Program fee (adding or changing sections of a course): $18.00

  6. CUNY Card replacement fee: $10.00

  7. Transcripts*: $7.00

  8. Senior Citizens—semester charge (no tuition): $65.00

  9. Late Payment: $15.00

  10. Payment Reprocessing (bad checks): $20.00

  11. Special Examinations (each additional exam $5.00): $25.00

  12. Duplicate Diploma: $30.00

  13. Technology Fee (Full time per semester): $125.00

  14. Technology Fee (Part-time per semester): $62.50

*Students paying by cash or money order will have their transcripts of academic record sent within one week. Those paying by personal check will have their transcript requests held for ten business days in order for the check to clear.

Student Status

Full-Time Status

To be considered a full-time student, you must be enrolled for at least twelve credits or equated credits/hours each semester. Contact hours for the courses below may be used to satisfy the full-time enrollment requirement. For these courses, tuition is charged on the basis of contact/equated hours.






(all courses)


100.6, 101.6


104.5, 150.5, 157.5, 161.5, 206.5, 214.5

Tuition Assistance for Full-Time Students

To qualify for tuition assistance from the two financial aid programs listed below, you must meet certain enrollment and academic requirements for each payment you receive.

New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

  • You must be a full-time student according to the TAP definition for full-time enrollment. This means that you must be enrolled for at least twelve credits or equated credits. In the first semester you receive TAP, you must be enrolled for at least three-degree credits as part of your full-time course load. After your first semester of receiving TAP, you must be enrolled for at least six-degree credits as part of your full-time course load.

  • All credits must be directly applicable to your current degree program in order to count as part of your minimum full-time course load for TAP purposes.

  • You must remain in good academic standing for New York State award programs by meeting academic progress and program pursuit requirements every semester you receive TAP (see the section “Academic Progress Standards”).

  • You are eligible for up to six semesters of TAP as an associate degree student. This limit holds even if you transfer from one 2-year school to another or change majors.

  • Note: If you repeat a course that you previously passed, you may not count the repeated course toward full-time enrollment for TAP purposes.

  • If you are a College Discovery student, you may be eligible for up to ten semesters of TAP as an undergraduate.

Part-time Status

To be considered a part-time student, you must enroll in fewer than twelve credits or equated credits/hours. Part-time tuition is calculated on a per credit basis except when remedial or developmental courses are taken. For remedial or developmental courses, contact hours rather than credits are used to calculate tuition.

Aid for Part-time Study (APTS)

To receive APTS, you must:

  1. File an application by the established deadline and meet the basic eligibility requirements for the program.

  2. Be enrolled in at least six, but fewer than twelve credits or equated hours. At least three of these must be degree credits.

  3. Remain in good academic standing for New York State award programs.

  4. Not have used up eligibility for TAP.

Change of Program Fee Waiver

The change of program fee may be waived when:

  1. The college cancels or withdraws a course, whether or not the student substitutes another course.

  2. The College changes the hours of the course after the Schedule of Classes and the Addendum are posted or makes other substantive changes that provide the student justification for a change.

  3. The College requests the student to transfer from one section to another section of the same course.

  4. The College cancels the registration of the student for academic or disciplinary reasons.


Tuition Deferrals—Students wishing to secure a veteran’s deferral must bring proof of eligibility and file an application for Veterans Administration benefits in the Registrar’s Office, Room S-315. The deferral does not apply to fees.

Benefits—Applications for Veterans Administration benefits must be made in the Registrar’s Office, Room S-315.  Students eligible to receive V.A. educational assistance must file a certificate of eligibility with the Registrar’s Office at their initial registration and must inform that office of the V.A. standing each subsequent semester for which they wish to use their educational benefits.

Questions pertaining to eligibility to receive veterans educational entitlement should be referred to the New York Regional Office of the V.A., 245 W. Houston Street, New York, NY 10014.

Tuition Refund Policy

Students who find it necessary to drop classes must do so by the deadline dates.

Failure to attend class, giving notice to an instructor or stopping payment on a check is not considered an official withdrawal.

For the Fall and Spring semesters, tuition refunds will be made in accordance with the following schedule:




Drop prior to the first day of class



Drop during the first calendar week of classes



Drop during the second calendar week of classes



Drop during the third calendar week of classes



Drop after the third calendar week of classes



For winter and summer sessions, refer to the Academic Calendar for the refund schedule. Students who pay their tuition bill in full and subsequently withdraw will have their refund calculated according to the above schedule. Refund checks are mailed directly to the home address on file in CUNYfirst. Students who are enrolled in direct deposit will have their refunds deposited electronically.

Students who made a partial payment on their bill will have their tuition liability calculated according to the above schedule. A reduction in tuition charges may not necessarily result in a refund and, in some instances, a tuition balance may still be due. Student activities fees, consolidated services fees and technology fees are not refundable.

Payments made by credit card to the payment plan vendor will be refunded to the credit card.

Note that the liability period starts the first day of the semester and applies to all students whether or not they had classes on that day.

Tuition will be refunded 100 percent for those courses which, at anytime, are cancelled by the College.

Course Cancellation Policy

Courses may be subject to cancellation for a number of reasons, such as under-enrollment. If you are in a class which has been cancelled, you will be notified by the Registrar’s Office  by email. If you wish to replace the course, please log on to the online registration system to choose another course.

Students who must change their program due to canceled courses will not be charged a change of program fee.